The Traveller's Travelogue

This is the world as I see it.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Return

Hello folks, I have decided to make a comeback to my blogging duties. I had taken a hiatus where I had to deal with certain issues in life and most things in my life hit the backburner of which blogging was one as you may have noticed. This period hasn't been all that bad for my blogging I must say, since I have changed my opinions on the content of this blog. Initially I had set out to keep away from politics since the nature of it is very dirty but then the more I thought about it the more I was convinced that I had to include it since it affects our lives a lot. I hereby declare this blog to include political issues as well. Not only that, being an avid reader I would also include book reviews and the like. In short anything that we can relate to on a day to day basis I will try and include here. I am glad to have expanded my thoughts over here and share them with you and I hope as always to hear from people. I have met someone interesting through the blog here and was happy to have met them and made their acquantaince and also more importantly for the readers of this blog, that person added a few interesting thoughts. That being said, I am back and will try to make this a regular thing. Thank you and I hope to see some of you again and make some new friends.
