The Traveller's Travelogue

This is the world as I see it.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Here is a poem if I would call it that, which I came up to mend my broken heart to certain extents.

I understand ye
You do not understand me
Travel the world as much as you want
Understanding from one like me you can’t
Come thither to the field alone
When no one believes or understands you
Remember me
I understand you
Without understanding you are alone.

Just a few things, note the change in the language from archaic to modern if you have not guessed it then it signifies the passage of time and how the belief hasn’t changed. Someone to understand and believe in you is the best thing in the world so if it comes along, don’t give up on it because such moments come but only once. Just my way of moving on I guess.


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