The Traveller's Travelogue

This is the world as I see it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Is the world fair?

I had discussed previously in another post (click here) if life was fair or not here I am presenting another angle to view what I had stated previously. Life is not fair and we all know that so there really is no point in trying to fret over that question, though in my previous post I said "life is fair" but that was in lieu of the fact that people have different strengths and weaknesses so it all averages out so to speak. That still does not depict a fair picture, where everybody is given an equal opportunity and resources to attempt to make the most out of life, so in the strictest sense life is not fair but given that we have more of one thing than lets say compared to another individual and he has more of another thing compared to us, it evens out, we can say life is.

If life is not fair how can I say then life is? Well seeing that we all have different talents to different capacities, it is one of our jobs as human beings to set the scales aright. That is why we are given these different talents in varying degrees. Now if you don't use those talents to even out the playing field then what you have created my friend is an unfair life! We all might think and say that we do not need to do all this i.e. straighten the kinks and chinks of life, but my friend if you don't then you are creating the very situation you detest! What goes around comes around most definitely at one point or another in our lives and if we shy away from the responsibility of using our talents to help others out then that talent will come back and haunt us. So next time you frown upon the guy who's asking you for a few bucks to eat why don't you take it up on yourself to teach him how not to ask but to do.


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